Thursday, February 01, 2007

Don't Ride Them, Dipshits.

There. I just saved everyone an assload of money by reaching the eventual conclusions of the new research initiative studying Equine Health & Safety & Other Assorted Bullshit by the National Thoroughbred Racing Association.

"The outpouring of emotion and support from racing fans has been so amazing that we wanted to find a fitting way for those fans and our industry to honor Barbaro," NTRA chief executive Alex Waldrop said. "We anticipate a busy few months as we work together to assist projects that can have a great impact on the health and safety of thoroughbreds and, through our focus on laminitis, horses of other breeds as well."

You know how you could honor Barbaro? Take his owners and put a whip-happy midget on them while they run at full sprint for a mile in the dirt. At the end, give them a fucking carrot. Repeat until death.

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