Friday, March 16, 2007

But Do They Have a '97 UVM Bongwater?

Mike Vick is opening a restaurant, called The Tasting Room.

"I can't play football forever. I'm going to have to become an entrepreneur and make my money grow. This is a step in a different direction. I'm trying to do some things differently."
Judging by the name of the place and the desire to make his money grow, I think it's clear he's decided to sell weed en masse - just in a nicer place than an alley or my parent's garage. He's also making the classic moves when trying to become a drug lord. Or at least the ones I've picked up from the first 5 episodes of The Wire.

1. Advertise your shit
2. Create a front organziation
3. Keep your name off it
4. Tell Wee-Bay to shoot people.

Michael Vick samples the wine available at his new restaurant, The Tasting Room, which opened Wednesday in suburban Atlanta.
This shit's reddish, and that other shit ain't.

I like to think that Mike Vick knows a lot about wine and amassed years of knowledge by experimenting with complex pairings - rare beaujoulais and Doritos crumbles, argentinian syrahs and tubs of cool whip, delicate pinot grigios and Subway. My palette developed like this too, when I was addicted to Boones Farm and mexican food. I remember I was selling my valuable possessions just to get a quick fix of some salsa fresca. I got to the point where I was injecting it between my toes and rubbing it in my eyes just to get high. It was a low period for me, but I try to remember it as delicious.

I'm looking forward to seeing this become an ongoing offseason adventure.

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